Effective Evangelism

Get Your Church Excited about Outreach!

We have a program that will help you reach out to the people in your
community, and help build up your church!

Luke 15:10 – “In the same way, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God when one sinner changes his heart and life.”

Most of your church members would love to go out into their community
and share the love of God and the Gospel with hurting people.

Hurting people want to find a way out, but don’t know where to start.

That’s where we can help!

O.K. Here's the scoop, 1st you need to invest in a couple of bicycles or a T.V. Or something of value.
Also you need a couple of roles of tickets. Then you get some of your Church members to go out
and distribute the Tickets in the Apartments or Community that you are reaching out to. And tell
them you are giving away a T.V. (or whatever it is) in 30 minutes at the Park, or Parking Lot (or Location)
Then when the People show up, you tell them who you are, sing some songs the people may know, and
give them a short Evangelistic Sermon. I like to Preach on the Goodness of God! And invite them to
your Church on Sunday! If you have Buses, tell them that a Bus will be provided to pick them up, and
bring them home, from the location you are at! It's that simple! When the People see you care about
them, they will want to come! This is going into the Highways and Byways like Jesus! And once your
congregation sees how easy and fun this is, they will want to do it every Saturday! Then on Sunday,
many people will get saved, delivered, healed, and set free by the Word of God that is preached.

This program can put your church on the map!

As word of what is happening with your church spreads,
others will want to come and see it for themselves.
And those who feel they have no way to serve in the local church will get involved!

One church in Arkansas went from being a 150-member congregation to over 500
in 4 Months, just by reaching out and showing the community that they cared.

Acts 2:46, 47 – “And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes,
they partook of food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having
favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day
those who were being saved.”
Pat Wheeler Ministries
A wise man once told me that people would not care what I had to say, until they saw that I
cared for them. I have found that this is very true in effective evangelism. This will teach your
congregation how to show the compassion of Jesus in reaching out to your community.
Feel free to contact me at:
Or Phone: 918-284-4900
We can help you build your church
If you have any questions, or need further information or help