Pat Wheeler Ministries
Prayer for Healing
First and foremost you have to determine in your heart that it is Gods will to heal you!
God teaches and chastises us through His Word! Not through sickness and disease!
The Word of God clearly teaches that the Holy Spirit is the teacher of the church! Not the devil! He
only comes to steal, kill and destroy! (John 10:10) and that is what sickness does!
It steals your finances, kills people too early, and destroys your way of life and testimony!
Isaiah 53:5 says He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the
chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we were healed!
I Peter 2:24 declares who his own self bare our sins in his body on the tree, that we, being dead to
sins, should live unto righteousness: by whos stripes ye were healed!
If Jesus bore my sickness and disease on the cross, there is no need for me to bear them also!
Psalm 107:20 says He sent His Word and healed them! Jesus is the Word! John 1:14
Healing was a part of the old covenant! God made himself known in Exodus 15:26 as the Lord
Jehovah who healeth thee! Back then you would go to the priest for healing conformation.
Hebrews 7:22 & 8:6 tells us that the Blood of Jesus has bought for us a better covenant with better
promises! How could it be a better covenant if healing were not a part of It?
Also, the Bible calls us, the church, the bride of Christ. Do you honestly think that God the Father
would have Jesus bride punished with sickness & disease?
No, that theory is a bag of goods from the devil himself! Don't you buy it for a second!
You are the redeemed of the Lord and healing is a part of your covenant! If you are sick and need
healing in your body, get around believers who believe in it! And stay away from religious people
with religious ideas! They will only cause you to doubt Gods Word!
Mark 16:15-18 Jesus said that believers would lay hands on the sick and they would recover!
Notice he didn't say might recover, He said they would! Do you believe what He said? Do you
believe that Jesus can heal you right where you are? Only Believe, Only Believe, all things are
possible, Only Believe!
Isaiah 10:27 says - It's the Anointing that destroys the yoke!
If you need help finding anointed believers in your area, contact us! We can help!
Read the 103rd Psalm over yourself everyday! And have faith in a healing Jesus!
Acts 10:34 Jesus went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil!
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever! He still heals today!
For Healing Pray this Prayer out loud from your heart
Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus. And Father I thank you that healing is a part of my
covenant. Father your Word says that Jesus bore my sicknesses and carried my diseases.
Therefore I do not have to carry them myself. Father, you said in your Word that by His stripes I
was healed, and Father I know that He was not beaten for nothing! Father I ask you now in
Jesus Name for a healing in my body. I believe that Jesus paid the price for my healing. And
Father I know that you are not through with me yet. I know there are things on this earth that you
would have me to do. and Father I will be obedient to do them. I thank you now for the healing in
my body, and I believe I receive that healing right now. You are a great and mighty God and I
praise you that your hand is not too short to deliver me. Jesus I don't know how to sufficiently
thank you for the pain that you went through shedding your blood for my healing. But Lord I am
grateful to you for doing it for me. Thank you Jesus. Father, thank you for the blood of Jesus that
testifies to my healing. I thank you now that it is done. Father help me to speak to my body every
time it tries to hurt, that by his stripes I was healed. Satan, get your hands off Gods property. I
am not yours, I was bought with a price. And I command you to leave me now. By the blood of
the Lamb of God, And in the Name of Jesus I am healed.
Contact Information
Pat Wheeler Ministries P.O.Box 1472 Broken Arrow,Oklahoma 74013-1472
Phone: 918-284-4900
If you need healing in your body, please feel free to contact us. We will agree with you in prayer for your healing and will also find believers in your area to come and minister to you!
When your healing has manifest in your body, we would like to hear from you! Please send us a short email telling us what God has done for you! We will keep your identity secret and will not disclose any personal information about you! We just want to acknowledge what God has done in your body, so that others may believe and benefit as well!